COVID - 19 Update - Due to the Executive Order issued by Governor Abbot, all church meetings will be cancelled until April 30th unless stated otherwise by the church. Online services will be available here on the website and also on the church Facebook page. We will continue to monitor the situation and notify you if things change.

What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Statement of Faith

Faith is a living thing. It grows and changes with time. Therefore, a statement of faith should be given allowance for growth and change.

The process of growing in our faith will include hard and often threatening questions, especially about how we live and what we believe. Christians must not be afraid of truth, must not be afraid to uncover the faith that traditions subtly cover up, and must not be afraid to admit that we do not yet know or fully understand all that God has for us. The Word of God will be the foundation we will draw from. Having said this, we lay out a few brief statements of our Christian beliefs. 


God is manifest as Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Spirit. These three act individually yet cooperatively in creation, sustaining of the universe, and reconciling relationships between God and Man, Man to Man, and Man to God's creation.  


Man is made for relationship with God, his fellow man, and all creation. Sin results in separated relationships; and not living what God designed since the beginning of creation. Jesus' death and resurrection provided a way for reconciliation of all relationships. 


Scripture is God's written word to man. It is a tool used by God and man, containing history, poetry, and practical guidelines for life. It is best understood in the context and culture of its writing. 


The Church (capital C) is figuratively speaking of all those who follow Jesus, where-as the church (small c) refers to local congregations and the buildings in which they gather. Gatherings of believers should be safe places where fellowship and growth can happen. That is, people should be free to come, share their struggles and victories without fear of gossip or criticism.
Christ charged the Church to:
a) love God and neighbor (on these two principles hang all others);
b) to go among all people, teaching and exemplifying His way in order to establish His Kingdom. 


Satan is the enemy of all creation and all people, including the Church. His goal is to kill, steal and destroy. 

The Future

Scripture predicts a return of Christ to finally redeem righteous mankind and to establish His Kingdom, His dream, in fullness. At this time the unrepentant and Satan will meet the consequences of their decisions. 

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