COVID - 19 Update - Due to the Executive Order issued by Governor Abbot, all church meetings will be cancelled until April 30th unless stated otherwise by the church. Online services will be available here on the website and also on the church Facebook page. We will continue to monitor the situation and notify you if things change.

Jeremia sien Hinjaloten un daut Niee Bunt - Pastor Johnny Dyck

Nov 24, 2024    Pastor Johnny Dyck

Dän nieen Bunt dän ekj met de Israeliten moaken woa, wan de Tiet ieescht kjemt, es disa: Ekj woa mien Jesaz en an nenn jäwen, un an daut opp daut Hoat schriewen. Un ekj woa äa Gott sennen, un see woaren mien Volkj seen.

- Jeremia 31:33